Supporting LGBTQ Members

The lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning/queer (LGBTQ) communities may face unique health concerns. Through dedicated services to support LGBTQ members, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma (BCBSOK) is here to help you feel comfortable navigating health care.


LGBTQ Inclusion


Services and Support for LGBTQ Members

Search Provider Finder®

With Provider Finder, you can search for local health professionals based on the care you need. Log in to get search results personalized to your plan or, if you're not a member yet, search as a guest for a quick list of providers close to home. From general practice and urgent care to behavioral health services specializing in LGBTQ support, you'll find in-network doctors to support you through your health journey.

Plan Your Family with Ovia HealthTM

Whether you're planning a pregnancy, adoption or surrogacy, preparation is an important part of growing your family. With the help of Ovia Health, we are able to provide extra support for LGBTQ members. Ovia Health apps offer live support, progress tracking and resources to support the whole family from birth through adolescence.

Check your phone or tablet's app store for the Ovia, Ovia Pregnancy and Ovia Parenting apps. During sign-up, make sure to choose “I have Ovia Health as a benefit.” Then select BCBSOK as your health plan. If you'd like, you can also enter your employer's name.

Connect With Customer Service

BCBSOK customer service is available to answer your health care or plan questions, connect you with in-network providers, explain your available benefits and help you update the name or address associated with your account. 

To connect with our customer service team, please call the number on the back of your member ID card.

Log In to Blue Access for MembersSM (BAMSM)

BAM is your secure online portal where you can manage your health coverage. In BAM, you can review your coverage and benefits, find care with Provider Finder, contact us for help, view upcoming authorizations and more. While in BAM, you can also view or change your account information, like contact preferences.


BCBSOK is pleased to provide information and resources to our LGBTQ members, their families and decision makers through GLMA: Health Professionals Advancing LGBT Equality (previously known as the Gay & Lesbian Medical Association), OutCare, and TransHealthCare. GLMA, OutCare, and TransHealthCare are online provider directories where you can search for primary care providers, specialists, therapists, dentists, surgeons and other health care professionals that welcome LGBTQ individuals and families.

Learn more about GLMA
Learn more about OutCare
Learn more about TransHealthCare

To learn more about our commitment to our members and communities, visit our Diversity and Inclusion page.

BCBSOK Values LGBTQ Inclusion

BCBSOK stands by our core values of integrity, respect, commitment, caring and excellence. We work together with our LGBTQ employees to better understand the health care needs of our LGBTQ members.

  • Read Transcript

    TOM: Being an LGBT ally is one of the most rewarding experiences that I get to have here at the company because it's consistent with my belief that everyone needs to be treated with dignity and respect. 

    BEN: Trying to balance the fact that I like to just be Ben versus being visibe and being a face for someone who is trans is, who, being human, that human aspect, the desire to just simply be who I am.

    ADAM: I would say that the way that the company's helped me succeed as a gay employee is that my team has been really encouraging and supportive of my relationship. And that lets me come to work and feel like I can bring my whole self to work. 

    TRICIA: But many members are part of that community. So by understanding the needs of our employees who are LGBTQ, we're inherently going to provide a better service to the members who are a part of that community.

    STEPHANIE: I have learned so much from being an LGBT ally. I've learned that there is a lot of change that still needs to be made. But I've also learned that there's a lot of change that's already happened. And I've also learned that people in the LGBT community have struggles that I know nothing about. And I don't know that that's like, and all I can do is be a support and be a friend and be a sibling and be a coworker and be with them on their journey and support them and love them.

    JR: Well, the reality is that we all want to have respect. When it comes to working with peers and when it comes to working with any individual, all you need to do is have a conversation and understand how you're similar. We tend to focus a ton of attention on what's different and the reality is that we're more similar than we're not.

    TRICIA: Regardless of what your label happens to be, that's usually the first thing people notice. Whether you're African American or Muslim or gay or straight or whatever, labels are always the first identifier and the things that people are going to judge you based on. The more that we can break down those barriers and remove those labels and truly see people as just people and coworkers and friends, the happier I think everyone would be. 

One of the many ways we support our LGBTQ employees and allies is through the Pride Alliance business resource group. This group is sponsored by senior leadership and supports diversity through:

  • Community service
  • Networking
  • Educational seminars
  • Mentoring
  • Employee cultural awareness
  • Supporting LGBTQ-focused community partners

For the 6th year in a row, the Human Rights Campaign Foundation gave the operating company of BCBSOK a score of 100% for LGBTQ equality in the workplace .

GLMA: Health Professionals Advancing LGBT Equality is the world's largest and oldest association of healthcare professionals committed to providing individuals with health care services regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or marital status. You can use the directory for free, and you do not need to register.

OutCare is a comprehensive resource for LGBTQ+ healthcare, offering provider and healthcare resource directories, mentorship, medical education reform, and cultural competency training. The provider directories are free and do not require registration. OutCare is responsible for its published content, of which BCBSOK does not guarantee or make any claims regarding the accuracy of.

TransHealthCare is a comprehensive database of Gender Surgeons, providing a global database of surgeons specializing in gender-affirming procedures. The directory is free and does not require registration. TransHealthCare is responsible for its published content, of which BCBSOK does not guarantee or make any claims regarding the accuracy of.

Please note that some of these health care professionals may not participate in a BCBSOK health plan. If you decide to see one of the providers listed, check the BCBSOK Provider Finder® tool to find out if they are in network or call them directly to make sure they accept your BCBSOK plan.

Last Updated: Oct. 13, 2023