2023 Oklahoma Transitional Policy Documents

Transitional plans

Below is a list of actual policy documents for Pre-Affordable Care Act – Group Transitional plans – market coverage. These policies describe how the plans generally work and include eligible expenses, claim filing and appeals procedures, and coverage limitations and exceptions, among other things.

While BCBSOK is posting every actual insurance policy as soon as it becomes available, including policies that contain customized benefit designs, your policy may not yet be available. If you are unable to locate your policy below, you may find it helpful to view one of the sample policies on the previous page, and you can also contact a customer service representative at 866-520-2507 for more information.

Blue Choice PPO

Blue Option PPO

Blue Preferred PPO

BlueLincs HMO

HSA Blue

Return to Sample Policy Documents

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Last Updated: Sept. 06, 2023